Landscape Partnership Resources Library
Report on Phone Interviews Conducted with Conservation Experts in AppLCC Region
Following are thematic, qualitative summaries from 33 interviews of Steering Committee and subject matter experts that were conducted by Group Solutions on behalf of the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative. These interviews were conducted to establish a baseline understanding of issues, challenges, and priorities in advance of for the July planning workshop in Blacksburg, VA.
Report on Phone Interviews Conducted with Conservation Experts in AppLCC Region
Following are thematic, qualitative summaries from 33 interviews of Steering Committee and subject matter experts that were conducted by Group Solutions on behalf of the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative. These interviews were conducted to establish a baseline understanding of issues, challenges, and priorities in advance of for the July planning workshop in Blacksburg, VA.
5-Year Work Plan Back Cover
PDF Back cover for print.
5-Year Work Plan Cover
PDF Front Cover for Print.
National LCC Map
The 22 LCCs collectively form a national network of land, water, wildlife, and cultural resource managers, scientists, and interested public and private organizations—within the U.S. and across our international borders—that share a common need for scientific information and interest in conservation.
Goal 3 - Engagement
From the 5-Year Work Plan, Section B, Goal 3: Create an on-going facilitated process to promote engagement and dialogue across the Appalachian LCC region
Goal 4 - Strategic Alignment
From the 5-Year Work Plan, Section B, Goal 4: Assess and align conservation goals and actions that reflect our Cooperative Members’ common and shared vision
Goal 2 - Landscape-level Planning
From 5-Year Work Plan, Section B, Goal 2: Deliver landscape-level conservation plans for regional use
Goal 1 - Data and Toolsets
Work Plan - Section B, Goal 1: Create and deliver a landscape-level data sharing strategy and scalable toolsets
2011 Workshop Report - Conservation Priorities Science Needs
As prepared under the DJ Chase contract by Dr. Gwen White (182 pgs). This is the FULL Report that includes details on how the Workshop was organized, the final Science Needs Portolio (draft - compliation) generated by the various Thematic Work Groups, and the Workshop evaluations and recommendations.
2011 Synthesis Report
As prepared under the DJ Chase contract by Dr. Gwen White (17 pgs).
Top Ranked Science Needs - Nov 2011
Product of Day-3 (meeting as the Integrated Planning - Synthesis Team) to generate Top Ranked Science Needs following 2-days of Nov 2011 Science Needs Workshop.
(5) Forest
2012 WORD file for review by COP2012 WORD file for review by COP
(4) Wetlands
2012 WORD file for review by COP
(3) Cave-Karst and Minelands
2012 WORD file for review by COP.
Quick Reference Guide - on the ISC Governance/Charter
This is a 'snap shot' of key requirements from the Interim Governance/Charter as approved by the Interim Steering Committee in 2011. It was prepared primarily to answer Administrative issues that may arise during Steering Committee meetings and calls.
2011 Approved Interim Governance/Charter of the AppLCC
This guiding document was drafted with the help of Interim Steering Committee Members, Partners, and AppLCC Staff. The Charter was approved as "Interim" with the provision that it must be revised and finalized no later than 2-years after approval date (Sept 2011.)
Illustrative Diagram of the Governance Structure
This analysis was based on the 2011 (16 established) LCCs.
Great Basin LCC
GBLCC Governance and Structure.
North Pacific LCC
NPLCC Governance and Structure