Landscape Partnership Resources Library
AppLCC science-based resource catagories
Find here a visual key to identify the types of resources that have been derived from AppLCC funded-research projects.
AppLCC funded research synthesis
Please find here a document which highlights all AppLCC funded research and the resources derived from those efforts.
Find here a list of hotels in the Chattanooga area
AppLCC resources for the conservation community
Find here a PDF of G.Bee and M. Cimitile's meeting presentations.
The Big Questions
Find here a PDF of Dr. Jean Brennan's meeting presentation.
Meeting Participants
Find here a PDF of meeting participants (name & affiliation).
Meeting Handouts
Find here the handouts that will be circulated during this meeting.
AppLCC LCD2 - Dr. Paul Leonard
Find here the PDF of Dr. Leonard's presentation on the AppLCC LCD.
Meeting Agenda
Find here the meeting agenda.
AppLCC resources to help enhance your conservation actions
Find here Gillian Bee's presentations.
AppLCC LCD - An aquatics perspective
Find here the presentation by Dr. Daniel Hanks
What is a (Regional) Landscape Conservation Design (LCD) and how does this inform planning and working at smaller-scale units?
Find here Dr. Jean Brennan's presentation.
Introduction to LCCs and the Big Question: “Why.” Launching a National Landscape-level Conservation Planning Approach to Conservation
Find here Dr. Jean Brennan's presentation.
Workshop Participants
Find here the list of workshop participants.
Day 2 Case Study Materials
Here you will find the materials that need to be downloaded for case scenarios for Day Two of the workshop. Please download before arriving.
Day 1 Case Study Materials
Please download the following folder which contains all materials for our case study session on Day 1.
Groves et al. - 2000 - Designing a Geography of Hope: A Practitioner’s Handbook for Ecoregional Conservation Planning
Find here a copy of this handbook
Margules, Pressey - 2000 - Systematic conservation planning - Nature
Find here a copy of this article
Watson et al. - 2011 - Systematic conservation planning: past, present and future
Find here article to download