Landscape Partnership Resources Library
Letter from Director Dan Ashe, USFWS
To states.
FWS Conservation Framework
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Conservation Framework
Draft LCC Conservation Targets White Paper
Importance and Application of Conservation Targets in an Era of Rapid Environmental Change: A White Paper for the LCC Community
Conservation Targets FWS FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions regarding Conservation Targets
Appalachian LCC Proposed Subzones 3
Map showing 3 subzones of the Appalachian LCC boundary, based on The Nature Conservancy ecoregions derived from the USFS subsection map (1995).
Appalachian LCC Proposed Subzones 2
Map showing 2 subzones of the Appalachian LCC boundary, based on The Nature Conservancy ecoregions derived from the USFS subsection map (1995).
Northeast Habitat Classification
The Northeast Habitat Classification and Mapping Project supporting documet
Nature Serve Terrestrial Habitat Classification
Comparison of TNC and Nature Serve Terrestrial Classification
The following document was created as a means for straightforward comparison of the existing, “Terrestrial Ecological Systems of the United States” from NatureServe and the RFA application from The Nature Conservancy for Terrestrial Habitat Mapping
Merging NE and SE Classifications - 4/3/13 conf call notes
A meeting/conf call was held at the FWS R5 Office to further discuss this issue, especially as it affects Region 5 Science Applications Program and the Appalachian LCC.
Merging Northeast and Southeast Classifications - 2/21/13 conf call notes
Draft minutes from webinar on how to merge Northeast and Southeast land cover classifications
SE Gap Species-Habitat Relationships for AppLCC
email 3/25/13 from Ed Laurent, R4: FYI. Note that these species-habitat relationships use the GAP land cover classification system. When considering whether or how to use these relationships for mapping and other purposes: 1) Here is the link to download version 2 of the Gap land cover map 2) Attached is the most recent crosswalk from NatureServe Systems to Pyne-Hunter coarse land cover classes (file attached here) 3) Here is the link to a (possibly updated) crosswalk between GAP land cover classes and NatureServe Systems. Feel free to share, and let me know if you have any questions.
App LCC TNC Terrestrial Ecoregions
Depicts the Terrestrial Ecoregions produced by TNC; based on USFS subsection map (Keyes et al. 1995)
Preliminary RI/Species Spreadsheet from SALCC
The ones in blue in the spreadsheet are the non species indicators. You'll also notice that a number of the ecosystem types on this spreadsheet were merged during the indicator process. ----- Rua S. Mordecai, Ph.D. SALCC
2013_03-14 SALCC Resource Indicators Recommendations
These recommendations are based on detailed input from 235 experts in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial resources in the South Atlantic region and 9 experts representing all 5 adjacent LCCs.