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Landscape Partnership Resources Library


Oregon's Fish and Wildlife in a Changing Climate. By Mark A. Hixon, Stanley V. Gregory, W. Douglas Robinson

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USFWS: 50 Climate Stories

(distillation from the source web page)

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LCC National Council Nominating Form

The National LCC Strategy Team invites nomination for membership on the newly‐formed LCC (Landscape Conservation Cooperative) National Council. This nomination packet outlines instructions for the “LCC Participant” seat. Eligible applicants include LCC Coordinators and the current (at time of nomination) chairs, vice‐chairs, and co‐chairs of LCC Steering Committees. To be eligible, applicants must have served as an LCC Coordinator or as an LCC Steering Committee member for at least one year. One LCC participant will be selected by the LCC Coordinators Team (LCT) for the National Council. The LCC National Council will support the cooperative large‐scale conservation efforts of the LCC network by enhancing coordination among the LCCs, identifying national‐level ecological and institutional challenges, and serving as the national voice for the LCC network.

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CASRI Action Plan

The CASRI Action Plan is a strategic plan with a 10 year timeline that aims to collaboratively address red spruce restoration goals and objectives in the Central Appalachians. This plan was enacted in 2010.

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Summary of LCC National Council Convening Process

Since the creation of the Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) network, concerns have surfaced over the need for a national body to maintain broad national-level support and coordination. In 2011, the Department of Interior (DOI) requested the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution (USIECR) conduct a neutral third-party assessment of national DOI and LCC representatives to gauge potential support, concerns, and recommendations for convening an LCC National Council. Interview findings indicated that there were national-level needs that could not be met through the existing LCC enterprise but were critical to the long-term viability of the LCC network. Respondents recommended that: (1) the Council should not be driven by a single agency/entity; (2) the Council should help coordinate, define, and focus the LCC enterprise; and (3) this Council should respect the self-governing, self-directed nature of the individual LCCs.

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Overiew of LCC National Council Recruitment Process

The purpose of this overview is to familiarize the LCC Coordinators Team (LCT) with the recruitment process for the LCC National Council (Council), to identify the role the LCC coordinators will play in the process, and to provide you with some talking points for explaining the process to your respective organizations and other networks.

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Summary Response to Comments Received on the Draft LCC National Charter

In late 2012, the LCC National strategy team sought feedback on the proposed purpose, goals, organizational framework, and composition outlined in the draft charter for the LCC National Council. To obtain partner input, the draft charter was broadly distributed through a series of webinars and via email communication. Partners and other interested parties were encouraged to submit comments.

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LCC National Council Charter

This charter outlines the duties and functions of the LCC National Council that includes: (1) overarching coordination of LCC efforts; (2) consistency between LCCs for coordination and communication to support a cohesive purpose; (3) articulation of shared outcomes; (4) support for collaboration across geographies; and (5) advocacy for LCCs.

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Crosswalk between the Appalachian LCC and the NFWPCAS

A crosswalk between the Appalachian LCC objectives, actions, and funded research as addressed in the 5-Year Work Plan and the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Climate Adaptation Strategy.

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A Letter to National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy Management Team

Letter from the Chair of the Appalachian LCC that details how the LCC strongly supports the objectives and strategies found within the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation report.

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Surrogate Species Framework

This framework provides a way for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and State Fish and Wildlife Agencies to work together in the selection of species to serve as surrogates in landscape conservation design. This framework accomplishes a path forward on several important points: • It establishes a peer-to-peer relationship between the Service and the States • It respects the different authorities and responsibilities of States and the Service • It clarifies the decision-making roles of the States and the Service • It helps define the role of LCCs, not as decision bodies, but rather as forums providing significant additional capacity, information, and tools to assist States and the Service with approaches to landscape-scale conservation in their geographies.

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Surrogate Species Framework Letter

A letter introducing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Surrogate Species Framework.

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Summaries of all Funded Projects

Summaries prepared to report out on the status of each funded project (5) to date - for which at least one quarterly reporting cycle has passed.

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For SC Call on 6/26/13.

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No Regrets Framework

Guidance Framework for Identifying “No Regrets1” High Value Conservation Areas in the Appalachian LCC Region

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Communications Work Group

Final iteration of target audiences and communication messages - includes Steering Committee feedback and review from Communications Work Group.

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