Landscape Partnership Resources Library
Presentation: Terrestrial Sub-Team Meeting Summary - 04-22-2014
Connecticut River Project Terrestrial Sub-Team: Meeting Summary Presentation - 22 April 2014
Description of Geophysical Settings TNC Resilient Landscapes (April 2014)
Description of Geophysical Settings TNC Resilient Landscapes excerpt from Anderson et al.
Table of statistics on the extent (ha) of geophysical settings as defined by TNC for their Resiliency analysis (April 2014)
Connecticut River Landscape Conservation Design project; statistics on the extent (ha) of geophysical settings as defined by TNC for their Resiliency analysis (Anderson et al. 2012) in the Northeast region (NE) and Connecticut River watershed (CTR); the percent of each setting contained within the watershed (Importance); and the percent of each setting protected from development within the Northeast and the watershed.
Presentation: Design Criteria, Components, and Proof of Concept: A more detailed introduction to the steps in designing the conservation network
Presentation by Kevin McGarigal (UMass) for the Designing Sustainable Landscapes Pilot project. Presentation focuses on Eco-systems and weightings options. Given on 25 April 2014.
Ruderal Scrubland Grassland
Map of ruderal shrubland / grassland eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Outcrop Summit Scrub
Map of outcrop summit scrub eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Northern Swamp
Map of northern swamp eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Northern Peatland Fens
Map of northern peatland fens eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Northern Hardwood Conifer
Map of northern hardwood conifer eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Northeastern Floodplain Forest
Map of Northeastern floodplain forest eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Marine Intertidal Rocky Shore
Map of marine intertidal rock shore eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Iotic U-Mass
Map of lotic aquatic eco-type locations (UMass developed) in the Connecticut River watershed
Iotic TNC
Map of lotic aquatic eco-type locations (TNC developed) in the Connecticut River watershed
Lakes Ponds
Map of lakes and ponds eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Glade Barren Savanna
Map of glade barren savanna eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Estuarine Intertidal
Map of estuarine intertidal eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed
Emergent Marsh
Map of emergent marsh eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed