Landscape Partnership Resources Library
Revised criteria for prioritizing species (06-27-2014)
Criteria for Prioritizing Habitat for Representative Wildlife Species in Conservation Design for the Connecticut River Watershed. Updated from the 05-30-2014 version.
Aquatic IEI Metric Weights (06-27-2014)
Aquatic System Intactness (aka stressor) and Resiliency Metrics. Used in the index of ecological integrity portion of the Landscape Change, Assessment, and Design (LCAD) model (1 page).
Aquatic Ecological Macrogroups (06-27-2014)
Aquatic ecological macrogroups used in the Connecticut River Landscape Conservation Design project. Summary statistics for each group, and a weighting multiplier affecting conservation priorities (2 pages).
Presentation: Building the Combined Core Area Selection Index and Delineating Core Areas
Designing Sustainable Landscapes in the Northeast: A project of the NALCC and the Northeast Climate Science Center. Landscape Conservation Design, June 2014
Document: Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting Notes 05-30-2014
Connecticut River Pilot: Meeting Notes, May 30, 2014
Notes from Terrestrial/Wetland Breakout Session, May 30, 2014
Connecticut River Watershed Pilot: Notes from Terrestrial/Wetland Breakout Session, May 30, 2014
Terrestrial and Wetland Subteam Meeting Agenda: May 13, 2014
Connecticut River Watershed Pilot, Terrestrial and Wetland Team Agenda: May 13, 2014 Webinar
Document: Potential Criteria for Weighting Ecological Systems (May 13, 2014)
This document summarizes the criteria for weighting ecological systems that emerged from the April core team meeting for the Connecticut River Pilot, and how they were applied to ecological systems of the watershed.
Presentation on Species for Conn. River Pilot by Kevin McGarigal, June 17, 2014
Presentation on Species for Conn. River Pilot by Kevin McGarigal, June 17, 2014
National LCC Brochure
This brochure describes how LCCs are bringing partners together to identify conservation solutions. Building on knowledge and conservation work of existing partnerships, LCCs increase collective science and management capacity to address common conservation priorities. LCCs rely on the expertise and work of Federal, State and Tribal partners and existing conservation partnerships. Working at local, regional, national and even international scales allows partners to work toward sustaining natural and cultural resources for current and future generations.
Document: Potential Criteria for Prioritizing Wildlife Species in Conservation Design (05-30-2014)
Potential Criteria for Prioritizing Wildlife Species in Conservation Design 5-30-14
Document: Terrestrial Team Meeting Notes 05-13-2014
Terrestrial Team Meeting Notes May 13, 2014
Document: Connecticut River Watershed Landscape Conservation Design Pilot: Suggestions for Setting Population Objectives (05-30-2014)
Connecticut River Watershed Landscape Conservation Design Pilot: Suggestions for Setting Population Objectives 5-30-14
Presentation: Updates on Ecological Integrity and Selecting Tiered Core Areas Based on Species
DSL Presentation for 5-30-14 Core Team Meeting by Kevin McGarigal, UMass with updates on ecological integrity and description of landscape capability
Appalachian LCC Data Needs Assessment Final Report
This project was undertaken to evaluate existing datasets for the Appalachian LCC region, package relevant datasets, review of some of the most commonly used conservation planning tools, provide interpretive text and graphics for datasets and tools, and identify data gaps that could improve conservation planning in the Appalachian LCC. Additionally, we reviewed and analyzed State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAP) from 15 states that intersect with the LCC, and corresponded with the SWAP coordinators to get their input on summaries and information on the upcoming 2015 revisions.
Appalachain Landscape Conservation Cooperative GIS Datasets
The Appalachain Landscape Conservation Cooperative Datasets are located in a folder named “AppLCC_USGS_ConicEA_Projection” and each theme has its own folder. Most folders have a layer file for displaying the raster datasets, however if there is more than one raster in the folder, it may be necessary to point the layer to the desired raster each time it is loaded. Also there are a few layer files and one geodataset (NWI) that will only work in ArcGIS 10.x. The layer file with the same name as the raster dataset should work in both ArcGIS 9.x and 10.x. In each case we attempted to download the latest (Spring 2013) revision of the dataset that completely covered the Appalachain LCC.
Glade Animal List
Regional Glade Conservation Assessment Appendix 6: Glade Animal List
Glade Plant Species of Conservation Concern
Regional Glade Conservation Assessment. Appendix 5, Glade Plant Species of Conservation Concern.
Central Hardwoods Joint Venture Glade Conservation Assessment For the Interior Highlands and Interior Low Plateaus Of the Central Hardwoods Region
The glade conservation assessment is a collaborative effort among 8 states to document the current status and distribution of 24 distinct glade ecosystems and their associated species of conservation concern within the Central Hardwoods Bird Conservation Region, as well as the Ouachita Mountains to the south.