Landscape Partnership Resources Library
Crosswalk of AppLCC Work Plan with Conservation Planning Frameworks
Crosswalk Presentation of the Appalachian LCC 5-Year Work Plan aligned with other Nationally Recognized Conservation Planning Frameworks. The tasks outlined in the 5-Year Work Plan align with both the FWS Strategic Habitat Conservation framework and the Northeast Regional Conservation framework.
Surrogate Species Frequently Asked Questions
A collection of frequently asked questions that touch on landscape-scle conservation planning and the various intricacies around surrogate species.
Peer Review of Technical Guidance on Selecting Species for Landscape Scale Conservation
In 2012, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Service) committed to using Strategic Habitat Conservation (SHC) as an approach to address the challenges of the 21st century. As part of implementing that commitment, the Service distributed a version of the draft Technical Guidance on Selecting Species for Design of Landscape Scale Conservation (Technical Guidance) as a practical step in the biological planning component of the SHC approach. Five external peer reviewers have completed a formal, independent, external scientific peer review of the latest draft Technical Guidance. The panel was tasked specifically to review the scientific information in the Technical Guidance and its practical application to conservation management.
Surrogate Species Frequently Asked Questions
A collection of frequently asked questions that touch on landscape-scle conservation planning and the various intricacies around surrogate species.
Peer Review of Technical Guidance on Selecting Species for Landscape Scale Conservation
In 2012, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Service) committed to using Strategic Habitat Conservation (SHC) as an approach to address the challenges of the 21st century. As part of implementing that commitment, the Service distributed a version of the draft Technical Guidance on Selecting Species for Design of Landscape Scale Conservation (Technical Guidance) as a practical step in the biological planning component of the SHC approach. Five external peer reviewers have completed a formal, independent, external scientific peer review of the latest draft Technical Guidance. The panel was tasked specifically to review the scientific information in the Technical Guidance and its practical application to conservation management.
SHC Framework & Basic Elements
This slide details biological planning, conservation design, conservation delivery, and monitoring elements of SHC.
SHC Framework & Basic Elements
This slide details biological planning, conservation design, conservation delivery, and monitoring elements of SHC.
Fish and Wildlife News SHC Issue
In this special edition of Fish & Wildlife News, read how the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is putting Strategic Habitat Conservation (SHC) into practice. To ensure a bright future for fish and wildlife in the face of such widespread threats as drought, climate change and large-scale habitat fragmentation, the Service first endorsed SHC as the Service’s conservation approach in 2006. SHC relies on an adaptive management framework to inform decisions about where and how to deliver conservation efficiently with partners to achieve predicted biological outcomes.
Fish and Wildlife News SHC Issue
In this special edition of Fish & Wildlife News, read how the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is putting Strategic Habitat Conservation (SHC) into practice. To ensure a bright future for fish and wildlife in the face of such widespread threats as drought, climate change and large-scale habitat fragmentation, the Service first endorsed SHC as the Service’s conservation approach in 2006. SHC relies on an adaptive management framework to inform decisions about where and how to deliver conservation efficiently with partners to achieve predicted biological outcomes.
Achieving Our Conservation Vision Using Strategic Habitat Conservation
The challenges facing conservation requires us to think about and do conservation differently. Unless we adopt a strategic approach to conservation, species and the habitats on which they depend will continue to be lost, regardless of the hard work and good intentions of dedicated professionals. Recognizing this fact, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) leadership adopted Strategic Habitat Conservation – a landscape-scale, collaboratively oriented framework –a decade ago.
Achieving Our Conservation Vision Using Strategic Habitat Conservation
The challenges facing conservation requires us to think about and do conservation differently. Unless we adopt a strategic approach to conservation, species and the habitats on which they depend will continue to be lost, regardless of the hard work and good intentions of dedicated professionals. Recognizing this fact, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) leadership adopted Strategic Habitat Conservation – a landscape-scale, collaboratively oriented framework –a decade ago.
Document: Terrestial/Wetland Subteam Meeting Notes 07-25-2014
Notes/summary from terrestrial and wetland technical subteam breakout session.
Document: Core Team Meeting Notes 07-25-2014
Notes and summary from July Core Team Meeting
Document: Core Team Meeting Notes 06-27-2014
Notes and summary from June core team meeting.
Document: Core Team Meeting Notes 04-25-2014
Notes and summary information from April Core Team meeting.
Document: Core Team Meeting Notes 03-28-2014
Notes/summary from the March core team meeting.
Document: Core Team Meeting Notes 02-24-2014
Summary/notes from February Core Team Meeting
Document: Ecosystem Goals, Objectives, and Tradeoffs (07-21-2014)
Overview provided by Scott Schwenk on the Ecosystem goal, general and specific objectives, and tradeoffs related to specific decisions about the conservation design strategy.
Map: CT River Watershed - Terrestrial and Aquatic Cores
DRAFT Maps for illustrative purposes only. Side by side maps of the entire Connecticut River Watershed. These maps show (1) potential terrestrial cores contrasting the slicing vs. the kernel approach and (2) a preliminary example of how the aquatic cores might look. Both are highly subject to change.
Map: CT River Watershed - Terrestrial Core Areas
DRAFT Maps for illustrative purposes only. Side by side maps of the entire Connecticut River Watershed. Two methods of creating core terrestrial areas are shown: the continuously scaled draft selection index and the kernel-expansion method in which the top 5% of the index (at left) is used as seeds to grow core areas until 30% of the landscape is represented.