Landscape Partnership Resources Library
Document: Notes from September 22, 2014 Core Team Meeting
Notes and annotations for slide presentation by Kevin McGarigal (UMass) on connectivity modeling for the CT River watershed.
Presentation: Species-based approach to Conservation Design
Presentation by Kevin McGarigal (UMass) on the species-based (as opposed to ecosystem-based) approach to the Connecticut River Watershed Landscape Conservation Design
Document: Terrestrial/Wetlands Subteam Update, 09-26-2014
Subteam update for September Core Team Meeting
Document: Key Decisions Document, Updated 09-26-2014
Running list of decisions made and to be made on the Connecticut River Pilot Designing Sustainable Landscapes Project
South Atlantic LCC Conservation Blueprint In Action
Earlier this year, the South Atlantic LCC released Version 1.0 of the Conservation Blueprint, a living plan describing the places and actions needed to meet shared conservation objectives in the face of future change.
North Pacific LCC Traditional Ecological Knowledge In Action
Beginning in 2012, a series of projects were funded to assist Tribes and First Nations with utilizing Traditional Ecological Knowledges (TEKs) to understand how climate change is affecting cultural and natural resources.
Great Northern LCC Arid Lands Initiative In Action
The vision for the Arid Land Initiative (ALI) is to bring together a diverse assemblage of public, private, and tribal interests working together to conserve and restore a viable, well connected system of the mid-Columbia basin’s arid lands and related freshwater habitats.
Great Basin LCC Sage Grouse In Action
Strategically Reducing Wildfire and Invasive Species Threats in Sagebrush Ecosystems.
Presentation: Connectivity Modeling - DSL 09-22-2014
Presentation to the CT River Core Team on connectivity modeling.
Document: Notes from August 28, 2014 Terrestrial/Wetlands Subteam Meeting
Summary of discussions from afternoon breakout session after the core team meeting.
Excel Workbook: Terrestrial Ecosystem Core Area Summary Statistics
Representation of different macrogroups in core areas in each of 8 scenarios for macrogroups and ecological systems
Document: Terrestrial Ecosystem Core Area Questions
Decision Points/Questions and explanations for core area selection
Document: CT River Watershed Species Weighting Matrix, Revised 09-11-2014
Updated species weighting matrix
Document: CT River Watershed Species Weighting Matrix, Revised 09-16-2014
Updated species weighting matrix
Document: Terrestrial Core Areas for Review
Description of potential scenarios
Document: Notes from September 4, 2014 Aquatics Subteam Meeting
Summary and description of decisions made
Document: Notes from April 22, 2014 Subteam Meeting
Notes from April 22, 2014 aquatics subteam meeting
Document: Notes from May 30, 2014 Aquatic Subteam Meeting
Aquatics subteam meeting after the core team morning meeting.
Excel Workbook: Weighting Aquatic Integrity Models
Aquatic System Intactness (a.k.a. stressor) and Resiliency Metrics used in the index of ecological integrity portion of the Landscape Change, Assessment and Design (LCAD) model.
Excel Workbook: Summary Statistics for Macrogroups
Aquatic ecological macrogroups used in the Connecticut River Landscape Conservation Design project. Summary statistics for each group, and a weighting multiplier affecting conservation priorities.