Landscape Partnership Resources Library
CALCC_SOW Award Retrospective Analysis Final
California Landscape Conservation Cooperative (CA LCC) Retrospective Analysis Statement of Work
ARC Assessment of Natural Assets in the Appalachian Region - Forest Resources
Assessment of Natural Assets in the Appalachian Region-Forest Resources. Prepared for the ARC, 2014
ARC Assessment of Natural Assets in the Appalachian Region - Forest Resources
Assessment of Natural Assets in the Appalachian Region-Forest Resources. Prepared for the ARC, 2014
Notes from LCC Network White Paper_2017_TEMPLATE-CHALLENGES_ver1_jb
Discussion file - attempting to create an analytical structure (in this example, used the LCC White paper by Greg and Elsa -- although it's focus was more on the Network level vs. individual LCC-level.) It does however serve to focus on the issue/question of how LCC Coordinators addressed the Challenges we inherited in working within a institutional/hosted initiative.
Actual survey instrument (template) used by Dr. Maddie Brown when conducting her phone interviews with AppLCC Steering Committee members, past members, and key partners.
Descriptive summary of the Interview Focus conducted by Dr. Maddie Brown of Penn State University of the AppLCC Steering Committee members and key partners. Part of the AppLCC's preparation to assess the value and contributions of the LCC-partnership as LCCs move on to be redefined in FY18.
LCC ideas.pptx
slides Yvette put together in Denver - the purpose of that was to help us organize our thoughts at that meeting and to help understand some context of where we've been to examine where we are going. It was not vetted so please keep in mind ...but it if helps jog some thinking, great.
coordinators-LL_poll_ver. 2017-12-13_jb
"Strawdog" prepared by JB to initiate discussion on: what's a framework to structure forward structured interviews to capture LL. (really rough mock up)
Implmenting ecosystem management in Forest Service
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Institutions_matter challenges of ecosystem management
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Can strategic ecosystem management succeed
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LCC Network White Paper
Prepared by GW and EH (reviewed by many in the LCC community) for the national landscape practitioners meeting in Nov 2017 at NCTC.
Reply from JB regarding intended 'audience' .... or "The WHY" do this study
Point raised by Dean (PPP) from earlier landscape level efforts (EM)
Reply JB to points on level of effort (GW) and team composition (KM)
Reply Rick Nelson on (BOR practice) After Action Review
Reply Deanna Spooner - PICCC review
Reply Karen Murray. Note on National level and SC praticipation