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You are here: Home / Resources / Climate Science Documents / Effects of tree mortality caused by a bark beetle outbreak on the ant community in the San Bernardino National Forest

Effects of tree mortality caused by a bark beetle outbreak on the ant community in the San Bernardino National Forest

Ants are used as bioindicators of the effects of disturbance on ecosystems for several reasons. First, ants are generally responsive to alteration of the biomass and diversity of the local plant community (Kalif et al., 2001) and other environmental variables (Underwood & Fisher, 2006). Second, because they occupy fixed nest locations, ants are affected by conditions on a very small scale, so that their presence and abundance are a better indicator of local conditions than are the presence or abundance of more mobile animals (Stephens & Wagner, 2006; Underwood & Fisher, 2006). Ants play important ecosystem roles and are therefore often a relevant choice for monitoring (Ho ̈lldobler & Wilson, 1990). They make up a significant percentage of the animal biomass in many ecosystems, they can be crucial to processes such as soil mixing and nutrient transport (Gentry & Stiritz, 1972), and they are important players in nutrient cycling and energy flow. Ants can also strongly influence the plant community via seed dispersal and granivory (Christian, 2001; Barrow et al., 2007). While the diversity of a given taxon is often not a reliable indicator of the diversity of other groups (Lawton et al., 1998; Bennett et al., 2009; Maleque et al., 2009; Wike et al., 2010), ant diversity is known to reflect the diversity of other invertebrates in ecosystems recovering from a disturbance in some cases (Andersen & Majer, 2004).The use of ants as bioindicators must be undertaken with caution (Underwood & Fisher, 2006). Different ant communities do not always respond to a disturbance in the same way (Arnan et al., 2009). In addition, broad measures of a bioindicator taxon, such as species richness or abundance, are potentially misleading. For instance, while it is popular to measure the species richness of bioindicator groups, the ant species richness of different habitats has been observed to respond differently to similar disturbances (Farji-Brener et al., 2002; Ratchford et al., 2005; Barrow et al., 2007), and ant species richness often does not respond at all unless disturbances are extreme (Andersen & Majer, 2004).Nonetheless, changes in the ant community can provide useful information about the responses of the ecosystem as a whole.

Credits: Ecological Entomology (2013), 38, 439–447

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