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Climate Science Document Library 2012

Title Description
Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services Technical Input to the 2013 National Climate Assessment KEY FINDINGS Biodiversity and ecosystems are already more stressed than at any comparable period of human history. Climate change almost always exacerbates the...
Genealogy of nature conservation: a political perspective Modern nature conservation is a product of post-Enlightenment modernity; I explore the heterogeneity of its conceptual and ideological background. The 19th cent...
Invited Review: Quantifying surface albedo and other direct biogeophysical climate forcings of forestry activities By altering fluxes of heat, momentum, and moisture exchanges between the land surface and atmosphere, forestry and other land-use activities affect climate. Alt...
Annual plants change in size over a century of observations Abstract Studies have documented changes in animal body size over the last century, but very little is known about changes in plant sizes, even though reduced ...
When It Rains, It Pours Global Warming and the Increase in Extreme Precipitation from 1948 to 2011 Global warming is happening now and its effects are being felt in the United States and around the world. Among the expected consequences of global warming ...
Three perspectives on U.S. fire policy Following a 2015 paper on US wildfire policy and practices, published by Science, Science published two letters challenging the paper, and authors of the paper ...
Ecosystem carbon stocks and sequestration potential of federal lands across the conterminous United States Federal lands across the conterminous United States (CONUS) account for 23.5% of the CONUS terrestrial area but have received no systematic studies on their eco...
Soil organic matter turnover is governed by accessibility not recalcitrance Mechanisms to mitigate global climate change by sequestering carbon (C) in different ‘sinks’ have been proposed as at least temporary measures. Of the major...
The declining uptake rate of atmospheric CO2 by land and ocean sinks Through 1959–2012, an airborne fraction (AF) of 0.44 of total anthropogenic CO2 emissions remained in the atmosphere, with the rest being taken up by land and...
Activation of old carbon by erosion of coastal and subsea permafrost in Arctic Siberia The future trajectory of greenhouse gas concentrations depends on interactions between climate and the biogeosphere1,2. Thawing of Arctic permafrost could relea...
Global and regional trends in greenhouse gas emissions from livestock Following IPCC guidelines (IPCC 2006), we estimate greenhouse gas emissions related to livestock in 237 countries and 11 livestock categories during the period ...
US lakes and reservoirs.pdf
Post-clearcut dynamics of carbon, water and energy exchanges in a midlatitude temperate, deciduous broadleaf forest environment Clearcutting and other forest disturbances perturb carbon, water, and energy balances in significant ways, with corre- sponding influences on Earth’s climate ...
Negative density-dependent dispersal in the American black bear (Ursus americanus) revealed by noninvasive sampling and genotyping Although the dispersal of animals is influenced by a variety of factors, few studies have used a condition-dependent approach to assess it. The mechanisms under...
Approaching a state shift in Earth’s biosphere Localized ecological systems are known to shift abruptly and irreversibly from one state to another when they are forced across critical thresholds. Here we rev...
Multi-year drought-induced morbidity preceding tree death in Southeastern US forests Recent forest diebacks combined with threats of future drought focus attention on the extent to which tree death is caused by catastrophic events as opposed to ...
Evolution of natural and social science interactions in global change research programs Efforts to develop a global understanding of the functioning of the Earth as a system began in the mid-1980s. This effort necessitated linking knowledge from bo...
Climate change and tropical biodiversity: a new focus Considerable efforts are focused on the consequences of climate change for tropical rainforests. However, potentially the greatest threats to tropical biodivers...