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Climate Science Document Library 2012

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Four-year response of underplanted American chestnut (Castanea dentata) and three competitors to midstory removal, root trenching, and weeding treatments in an oak-hickory forest American chestnut (Castanea dentata) has been killed or reduced to recurrent stump sprouts throughout its range following the importation of multiple pathogens ...
Genetic consequences of climate change for northern plants Climate change will lead to loss of range for many species, and thus to loss of genetic diversity crucial for their long-term persistence. We analysed range-wid...
Defaunation in the Anthropocene We live amid a global wave of anthropogenically driven biodiversity loss: species and population extirpations and, critically, declines in local species abunda...
Changes in Avian and Plant Communities of Aspen Woodlands over 12 Years after Livestock Removal in the Northwestern Great Basin Riparian and quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) woodlands are centers of avian abundance and diversity in the western United States, but they have been affecte...
Atmospheric CO2 forces abrupt vegetation shifts locally, but not globally It is possible that anthropogenic climate change will drive the Earth system into a qualitatively different state1. Although different types of uncertainty limi...
Diffusion into new markets: evolving customer segments in the solar photovoltaics market The US residential solar market is growing quickly, and as solar adoption diffuses into new populations, later adopters may differ significantly from earlier on...
nclimate2512 1.pdf
Natural and anthropogenic variations in methane sources during the past two millennia Methane is an important greenhouse gas that is emitted from multiple natural and anthropogenic sources. Atmospheric methane concentrations have varied on a numb...
Long-term aspen cover change in the western US Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) is one of the most important tree species in the western United States due to its role in biodiversity, tourism, and ...
Physiological plasticity increases resilience of ectothermic animals to climate change Understanding how climate change affects natural populations remains one of the greatest challenges for ecology and management of natural resources. Animals can...
Forests fuel fish growth in freshwater deltas Aquatic ecosystems are fuelled by biogeochemical inputs from surrounding lands and within- lake primary production. Disturbances that change these inputs may af...
Predictive traits to the rescue Climate change poses new challenges to the conservation of species, which at present requires data-hungry models to meaningfully anticipate future threats. Now ...
Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms: evidence from paleoclimate data, climate modeling, and modern observations that 2C global warming is highly dangerous There is evidence of ice melt, sea level rise to +5–9 m, and extreme storms in the prior interglacial period that was less than 1◦C warmer than today. Human...
Biotic and Human Vulnerability to Projected Changes in Ocean Biogeochemistry over the 21st Century Ongoing greenhouse gas emissions can modify climate processes and induce shifts in ocean temperature, pH, oxygen concentration, and productivity, which in turn ...
Elevation-dependent influence of snow accumulation on forest greening Rising temperatures and declining water availability have influenced the ecological function of mountain forests over the past half-century. For instance, warmi...
Livelihood resilience in the face of climate change The resilience concept requires greater attention to human livelihoods if it is to address the limits to adaptation strategies and the development needs of the ...
Economic growth and the human lot 1st paragraph: In 1974, Richard A. Easterlin, a coauthor of the work by Easterlin et al. (1) in PNAS, published a seminal article (2) that has generated a huge...
Wildlife-friendly farming increases crop yield: evidence for ecological intensification Ecological intensification has been promoted as a means to achieve environmentally sustainable increases in crop yields by enhancing ecosystem functions that re...
Aeolian process effects on vegetation communities in an arid grassland ecosystem Many arid grassland communities are changing from grass dominance to shrub dominance, but the mechanisms involved in this conversion process are not completely...
Changes in winter precipitation extremes for the western United States under a warmer climate as simulated by regional climate models We find a consistent and statistically significant increase in the intensity of future extreme winter precipitation events over the western United States, as si...