Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms: evidence from paleoclimate data, climate modeling, and modern observations that 2C global warming is highly dangerous
There is evidence of ice melt, sea level rise to +5–9 m, and extreme storms in the prior interglacial period that was less than 1◦C warmer than today. Human... |
How wide is a stream? Spatial extent of the potential ‘‘stream signature’’ in terrestrial food webs using meta-analysis
The magnitude of cross-ecosystem resource subsidies is increasingly well recognized; however, less is known about the distance these subsidies travel into the r... |
Seasonal weather patterns drive population vital rates and persistence in a stream fish
Here, we investigated effects of seasonal air temperature and precipitation (fall, winter, and spring) on survival and recruitment of brook trout (Salvelinus fo... |
Biotic Drivers of Stream Planform: Implications for Understanding the Past and Restoring the Future
Traditionally, stream channel planform has been viewed as a function of larger watershed and valley-scale physical variables, including valley slope, the amount... |
Biodiversity gains from efficient use of private sponsorship for flagship species conservation
To address the global extinction crisis, both efficient use of existing conservation funding and new sources of funding are vital. Private sponsorship of charis... |
Four-year response of underplanted American chestnut (Castanea dentata) and three competitors to midstory removal, root trenching, and weeding treatments in an oak-hickory forest
American chestnut (Castanea dentata) has been killed or reduced to recurrent stump sprouts throughout its range following the importation of multiple pathogens ... |
Livelihood resilience in the face of climate change
The resilience concept requires greater attention to human livelihoods if it is to address the limits to adaptation strategies and the development needs of the ... |
Temporal stability in forest productivity increases with tree diversity due to asynchrony in species dynamics
Theory predicts a positive relationship between biodiversity and stability in ecosystem properties, while diversity is expected to have a negative impact on sta... |
Unburnable Carbon – Are the world’s financial markets carrying a carbon bubble?
The Carbon Tracker initiative is a new way of looking at the carbon emissions
problem. It is focused on the fossil fuel reserves held by publically listed
com... |
Human mining activity across the ages determines the genetic structure of modern brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) populations
Humans have exploited the earth’s metal resources for thousands of years leaving behind a legacy of toxic metal contamination and poor water quality. The sout... |
Shrinking body size as an ecological response to climate change
Determining how climate change will affect global ecology and ecosystem services is one of the next important frontiers in environmental science. Many species a... |
The Montérégie Connection: linking landscapes, biodiversity, and ecosystem services to improve decision making
To maximize specific ecosystem services (ES) such as food production, people alter landscape structure, i.e., the types of ecosystems present, their relative pr... |
Climate change impacts on the biophysics and economics of world fisheries
Global marine fisheries are underperforming economically because of overfishing, pollution and habitat degradation. Added to these threats is the looming challe... |
Land use efficiency: anticipating future demand for land-sector greenhouse gas emissions abatement and managing trade-offs with agriculture, water, and biodiversity
Competition for land is increasing, and policy needs to ensure the efficient supply of multiple ecosystem services from land systems. We modelled the spatially ... |
Conservation in a social-ecological system experiencing climate-induced tree mortality
We present a social-ecological framework to provide insight into climate adaptation strategies and diverse perspectives on interventions in protected areas for ... |
Hell and High Water: PracticeRelevant Adaptation Science
Adaptation requires science that analyzes decisions, identifies vulnerabilities, improves foresight, and develops options
Reduction in carbon uptake during turn of the century drought in western North America
Fossil fuel emissions aside, temperate North America is a net sink of carbon dioxide at present1–3. Year-to-year variations in this carbon sink are linked to ... |
Genetic diversity in widespread species is not congruent with species richness in alpine plant communities
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) aims at the conservation of all three levels of biodiversity, that is, ecosystems, species and genes. Genetic diver... |
Planetary boundaries- Guidi.pdf