Heat stress related dairy cow mortality during heat waves and control periods in rural Southern Ontario from 2010–2012
Background: Heat stress is a physiological response to extreme environmental heat such as heat waves. Heat stress can result in mortality in dairy cows when ext... |
Climate Change, Aboveground-Belowground Interactions, and Species’ Range Shifts
Changes in climate, land use, fire incidence, and ecological connections all may contribute to current species’ range shifts. Species shift range individually... |
Protected areas in Borneo may fail to conserve tropical forest biodiversity under climate change
Protected areas (PAs) are key for conserving rainforest species, but many PAs are becoming increasingly
isolated within agricultural landscapes, which may have... |
Soil Temperature following Logging-Debris Manipulation and Aspen Regrowth in Minnesota: Implications for Sampling Depth and Alteration of Soil Processes
Soil temperature is a fundamental controller of processes influencing the
transformation and flux of soil C and nutrients following forest harvest. Soil
tempe... |
Timing of climate variability and grassland productivity
Future climates are forecast to include greater precipitation variability and more frequent heat waves, but the degree to which the timing of climate variabilit... |
Climate commitment in an uncertain world
Climate commitment—the warming that would still occur given no further human influence—is a fundamental metric for both science and policy. It informs us of... |
What Does Zero Deforestation Mean?
Ambiguous defi nitions and metrics create risks
for forest conservation and accountability.
Beyond Predictions: Biodiversity Conservation in a Changing Climate
Climate change is predicted to become a major threat to biodiversity in the 21st century,
but accurate predictions and effective solutions have proved difficul... |
Focus on poleward shifts in species’ distribution underestimates the fingerprint of climate change
Species are largely predicted to shift poleward as global temperatures increase, with this fingerprint of climate change being already observed across a range o... |
Climate change impacts on the biophysics and economics of world fisheries
Global marine fisheries are underperforming economically because of overfishing, pollution and habitat degradation. Added to these threats is the looming challe... |
How does climate change cause extinction?
Anthropogenic climate change is predicted to be a major cause of species extinctions in the next 100 years. But what will actually cause these extinctions? For ... |
Decline of Leaf Hydraulic Conductance with Dehydration: Relationship to Leaf Size and Venation Architecture
Across plant species, leaves vary enormously in their size and their venation architecture, of which one major function is to replace water lost to transpiratio... |
On underestimation of global vulnerability to tree mortality and forest die-off from hotter drought in the Anthropocene
Despite recent observational, experimental, and modeling studies suggesting increased vulnerability of trees to hotter drought and associated pests and pathogen... |
On underestimation of global vulnerability to tree mortality and forest die-off from hotter drought in the Anthropocene
Despite recent observational, experimental, and modeling studies suggesting increased vulnerability of trees to hotter drought and associated pests and pathogen... |
Widespread crown condition decline, food web disruption, and amplified tree mortality with increased climate change-type drought
Climate change is progressively increasing severe drought events in the Northern Hemisphere, causing regional tree die-off events and contributing to the global... |
Evaporative cooling over the Tibetan Plateau induced by vegetation growth
Here, we show that in contrast to arctic regions, increased growing season vegetation activity over the TP may have attenuated surface warming. This negative fe... |
Evolution of Grasses and Grassland Ecosystems
The evolution and subsequent ecological expansion of grasses (Poaceae) since the Late Cretaceous have resulted in the establishment of one of Earth’s dominant... |
Many economists and policy makers advocate a fundamental shift towards “green growth” as the new, qualitatively-different growth paradigm, based on enhanced... |
Conservation in a social-ecological system experiencing climate-induced tree mortality
We present a social-ecological framework to provide insight into climate adaptation strategies and diverse perspectives on interventions in protected areas for ... |
Ecosystem Processes and Human Influences Regulate Streamflow Response to Climate Change at Long-Term Ecological Research Sites
Analyses of long-term records at 35 headwater basins in the United States and Canada indicate that climate change effects on streamflow are not as clear as migh... |