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You are here: Home / Resources / Climate Science Documents / Photoperiodic regulation of the seasonal pattern of photosynthetic capacity and the implications for carbon cycling

Photoperiodic regulation of the seasonal pattern of photosynthetic capacity and the implications for carbon cycling

Although temperature is an important driver of seasonal changes in photosynthetic physiology, photoperiod also regulates leaf activity. Climate change will extend growing seasons if temperature cues predominate, but photoperiod-controlled species will show limited responsiveness to warming. We show that photoperiod explains more seasonal variation in photosynthetic activity across 23 tree species than temperature. Although leaves remain green, photosynthetic capacity peaks just after summer solstice and declines with decreasing photoperiod, before air temperatures peak. In support of these findings, saplings grown at constant temperature but exposed to an extended photoperiod maintained high photosynthetic capacity, but photosynthetic activity declined in saplings experiencing a naturally shortening photoperiod; leaves remained equally green in both treatments. Incorporating a photo- periodic correction of photosynthetic physiology into a global-scale terrestrial carbon-cycle model significantly improves predictions of seasonal atmospheric CO2 cycling, demonstrating the benefit of such a function in coupled climate system models. Accounting for photo- period-induced seasonality in photosynthetic parameters reduces modeled global gross primary production 2.5% (∼4 PgC y−1), result- ing in a >3% (∼2 PgC y−1) decrease of net primary production. Such a correction is also needed in models estimating current carbon up- take based on remotely sensed greenness. Photoperiod-associated declines in photosynthetic capacity could limit autumn carbon gain in forests, even if warming delays leaf senescence. day length | gross primary productivity | carbon sequestration | leaf area index | evapotranspiration

Credits: PNAS Early Edition

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