How global extinctions impact regional biodiversity in mammals
Phylogenetic diversity (PD) represents the evol- utionary history of a species assemblage and is a valuable measure of biodiversity because it cap- tures not only species richness but potentially also genetic and functional diversity. Preserving PD could be critical for maintaining the func- tional integrity of the world’s ecosystems, and species extinction will have a large impact on ecosystems in areas where the ecosystem cost per species extinction is high. Here, we show that impacts from global extinctions are linked to spatial location. Using a phylogeny of all mam- mals, we compare regional losses of PD against a model of random extinction. At regional scales, losses differ dramatically: several biodiversity hotspots in southern Asia and Amazonia will lose an unexpectedly large proportion of PD. Global analyses may therefore underestimate the impacts of extinction on ecosystem processes and function because they occur at finer spatial scales within the context of natural biogeography.
Keywords: phylogenetic diversity; biodiversity; threatened species; mammals; extinction
Credits: Biol. Lett. published online 28 September 2011
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