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Conservation Practices
Conservation Practices may vary by state. However, the goal for quality quail habitat is to establish an early successional landscape. In thinned, frequently burned pines, light can reach the ground, provided quality groceries and cover for quail. In grassland landscapes, native grasses, forbs and legumes are essential.
Located in Resources / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials
File PDF document Conservation threats: biofuel
Biofuels: Europe’s largest conservation charity has launched a campaign to heighten the threat to wildlife habitats and biodiversity from plantations of fuel crops. Nigel Williams reports. 1st paragraph: Europe embraced the theoretical potential that biofuels might offer both in terms of climate change and renewable sources of energy, as enthusiastically as anywhere else, but the dawning reality has hit harder here than in many other areas with the realisation that it is a crowded continent with limited scope for home-grown material.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Conservation value of forests attacked by bark beetles: Highest number of indicator species is found in early successional stages
Heavy natural disturbance in large protected areas of former commercial forests increasingly evokes European parliaments to call for management intervention because a loss of habitats and species is feared. In contrast, natural early successional habitats have recently been recognised as important for conservation. Current knowledge in this field mostly results from studies dealing only with selected taxa. Here we analyse the success of species across 24 lineages of three kingdoms in the Bavarian Forest National Park (Germany) after 15 years of a European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) outbreak that led to rapid canopy opening. Using indicator species analysis, we found 257 species with a significant preference for open forests and 149 species with a preference for closed forests, but only 82 species with a preference for the stand conditions transitional between open and closed forests. The large number of species with a preference for open forests across lineages supports the role of this bark beetle as a keystone species for a broad array of species. The slowdown of the outbreak after 15 years in the core zone of the national park resulted in less than half of the area being affected, due to variability in stand ages and tree species mixtures. Our case study is representative of the tree species composition and size of many large protected montane areas in Central European countries and illustrates that (1) natural disturbances increase biodiversity in formerly managed forests and (2) a montane protected area spanning 10,000 ha of low range mountains is likely sufficient to allow natural disturbances without a biased loss of closed-forest species.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Conservation VALUE OF ROADLESS AREAS FOR VULNERABLE FISH AND Wildlife Species in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem, Montana
The Crown of the Continent Ecosystem is one of the most spectacular landscapes in the world and most ecologically intact ecosystem remaining in the contiguous United States. Straddling the Continental Divide in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem extends for >250 miles from the fabled Blackfoot River valley in northwest Montana north to Elk Pass south of Banff and Kootenay National Parks in Canada. It reaches from the short-grass plains along the eastern slopes of the Rockies westward nearly 100 miles to the Flathead and Kootenai River valleys. The Crown sparkles with a variety of dramatic landscapes, clean sources of blue waters, and diversity of plants and animals.Over the past century, citizens and government leaders have worked hard to save the core of this splendid ecosystem in Montana by establishing world-class parks and wildernesses – coupled with conservation of critical wildlife habitat on state and private lands along the periphery. These include jewels such as Glacier National Park, the Bob Marshall-Scapegoat-Great Bear Wilderness, the first-ever Tribal Wilderness in the Mission Mountains, numerous State of Montana Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), and vital private lands through land trusts such as The Nature Conservancy. Their combined efforts have protected 3.3 million acres and constitute a truly impressive commitment to conservation. It was a remarkable legacy and great gift …but, in the face of new challenges, it may not have been enough.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
Conservation Videos and Webinars
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video Conserving Imperiled Aquatic Species in the UTRB
A team of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service scientists, with assistance from U.S. Geological Survey, have developed a collaborative conservation strategy examining cost-effective approaches for efforts to conserve and manage 36 imperiled freshwater fish and mussel species in the 22,360 square-mile Upper Tennessee River Basin.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
File PDF document Conserving the Stage: Climate Change and the Geophysical Underpinnings of Species Diversity
Conservationists have proposed methods for adapting to climate change that assume species distributions are primarily explained by climate variables. The key idea is to use the understanding of species-climate relationships to map corridors and to identify regions of faunal stability or high species turnover. An alternative approach is to adopt an evolutionary timescale and ask ultimately what factors control total diversity, so that over the long run the major drivers of total species richness can be protected. Within a single climatic region, the temperate area encompassing all of the Northeastern U.S. and Maritime Canada, we hypothesized that geologic factors may take precedence over climate in explaining diversity patterns. If geophysical diversity does drive regional diversity, then conserving geophysical settings may offer an approach to conservation that protects diversity under both current and future climates. Here we tested how well geology predicts the species diversity of 14 US states and three Canadian provinces, using a comprehensive new spatial dataset. Results of linear regressions of species diversity on all possible combinations of 23 geophysical and climatic variables indicated that four geophysical factors; the number of geological classes, latitude, elevation range and the amount of calcareous bedrock, predicted species diversity with certainty (adj. R2 = 0.94). To confirm the species-geology relationships we ran an independent test using 18,700 location points for 885 rare species and found that 40% of the species were restricted to a single geology. Moreover, each geology class supported 5–95 endemic species and chi-square tests confirmed that calcareous bedrock and extreme elevations had significantly more rare species than expected by chance (P,0.0001), strongly corroborating the regression model. Our results suggest that protecting geophysical settings will conserve the stage for current and future biodiversity and may be a robust alternative to species-level predictions.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
Organization application/x-troff-ms Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers & Scientists
The Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers & Scientists (CAFMS) is one of 15 knowledge exchange networks supported by the Joint Fire Science Program. Our goal is to promote communication among fire managers and scientists in the Appalachian Mountains region. CAFMS is largely successful because of a strong relationship between the U.S. Forest Service Southern Research Stations and The Nature Conservancy's Fire Learning Network.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
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