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File PDF document CO2 emissions from forest loss
Deforestation is the second largest anthropogenic source of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, after fossil fuel combustion. Following a budget reanalysis, the contribution from deforestation is revised downwards, but tropical peatlands emerge as a notable carbon dioxide source.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document CO2 emissions from land-use change affected more by nitrogen cycle, than by the choice of land-cover data
The high uncertainty in land-based CO2 fluxes estimates is thought to be mainly due to uncertainty in not only quantifying historical changes among forests, croplands, and grassland, but also due to different processes included in calculation methods. Inclusion of a nitrogen (N) cycle in models is fairly recent and strongly affects carbon (C) fluxes. In this study, for the first time, we use a model with C and N dynamics with three distinct historical reconstructions of land-use and land-use change (LULUC) to quantify LULUC emissions and uncertainty that includes the integrated effects of not only climate and CO2 but also N. The modeled global average emissions including N dynamics for the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000–2005 were 1.8 ` 0.2, 1.7 ` 0.2, and 1.4 ` 0.2 GtC yr␣1, respectively, (mean and range across LULUC data sets). The emissions from tropics were 0.8 ` 0.2, 0.8 ` 0.2, and 0.7 ` 0.3 GtC yr␣1, and the non tropics were 1.1 ` 0.5, 0.9 ` 0.2, and 0.7 ` 0.1 GtC yr␣1. Compared to previous studies that did not include N dynamics, modeled net LULUC emissions were higher, particularly in the non tropics. In the model, N limitation reduces regrowth rates of vegetation in temperate areas resulting in higher net emissions. Our results indicate that exclusion of N dynamics leads to an underestimation of LULUC emissions by around 70% in the non tropics, 10% in the tropics, and 40% globally in the 1990s. The differences due to inclusion/exclusion of the N cycle of 0.1 GtC yr␣1 in the tro- pics, 0.6 GtC yr␣1 in the non tropics, and 0.7 GtC yr␣1 globally (mean across land-cover data sets) in the 1990s were greater than differences due to the land-cover data in the non tropics and globally (0.2 GtC yr␣1). While land-cover information is improving with satellite and inventory data, this study indicates the importance of accounting for different processes, in particular the N cycle. Keywords: carbon cycle, carbon emissions, land-use change, model, nitrogen cycle
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
Organization Coalition of Prescribed Fire Councils
The overarching goal of the Coalition is to create one voice to assist fire practitioners, policymakers, regulators, and citizens with issues surrounding prescribed fire use.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
File PDF document Coastal habitats shield people and property from sea-level rise and storms
Extreme weather, sea-level rise and degraded coastal ecosystems are placing people and property at greater risk of damage from coastal hazards 1–5. The likelihood and magnitude of losses may be reduced by intact reefs and coastal vegetation 1, especially when those habitats fringe vulnerable communities and infrastructure. Using five sea-level-rise scenarios, we calculate a hazard index for every 1 km2 of the United States coastline. We use this index to identify the most vulnerable people and property as indicated by being in the upper quartile of hazard for the nation’s coastline. The number of people, poor families, elderly and total value of residential property that are most exposed to hazards can be reduced by half if existing coastal habitats remain fully intact. Coastal habitats defend the greatest number of people and total property value in Florida, New York and California. Our analyses deliver the first national map of risk reduction owing to natural habitats and indicates where conservation and restoration of reefs and vegetation have the greatest potential to protect coastal communities.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
Coastal resilience is an increasingly important topic as impacts from climate change such as accelerated sea level rise and enhanced storm intensity gain prominence. The Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, which was motivated by Hurricane Sandy related damage, supported many projects throughout the affected region, including the projects found in the following pages.
Located in Resources
File PDF document Cobb Zoology.pdf
Located in Resources / TRB Library / CLA-COO
Image JPEG image Cobblestone tiger beetle (Cicindela marginipennis)
cobblestone tiger beetle_Kent McFarland.jpg
Located in Vulnerability / Climate Change Vulnerability / Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Photo Gallery
Image JPEG image Cobblestone tiger beetle (Cicindela marginipennis)
cobblestone tiger beetle_Kent McFarland.jpg
Located in Research / / Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats to Large-scale Impacts / Species and Habitat Vulnerability Assessment Photo Gallery
File PDF document Cochran Harp 1990.pdf
Located in Resources / TRB Library / CLA-COO
File PDF document Coe 1943.pdf
Located in Resources / TRB Library / CLA-COO