The impact of climate change on the structure of Pleistocene food webs across the mammoth steppe
Species interactions form food webs, impacting community structure and, potentially, ecological dynamics. It is likely that global climatic perturbations that occur over long periods of time have a significant influence on species interaction patterns. Here, we integrate stable isotope analysis and network theory to reconstruct patterns of trophic interactions for six independent mammalian communities that inhabited mammoth steppe environments spanning western Europe to eastern Alaska (Beringia) during the Late Pleis- tocene. We use a Bayesian mixing model to quantify the contribution of prey to the diets of local predators, and assess how the structure of trophic inter- actions changed across space and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), a global climatic event that severely impacted mammoth steppe communities. We find that large felids had diets that were more constrained than those of co-occurring predators, and largely influenced by an increase in Rangifer abun- dance after the LGM. Moreover, the structural organization of Beringian and European communities strongly differed: compared with Europe, species inter- actions in Beringian communities before—and possibly after—the LGM were highly modular. We suggest that this difference in modularity may have been driven by the geographical insularity of Beringian communities.
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The impact of climate change on mental health
Climate change will shortly be assuming centre stage when Copenhagen hosts the United Nations Climate Change Conference in early December 2009. In Copenhagen, delegates will discuss the international response to climate change (i.e. the ongoing increase in the Earth’s average surface temperature) and the meeting is widely viewed as the most important of its kind ever held (http://en.cop15.dk/). International agreement will be sought on a treaty to replace the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. At the time of writing it is not known whether agreement will be reached on the main issues of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and financing the impacts of climate change, and it appears that the impact of climate change on mental health is unlikely to be on the agenda. We discuss here how climate change could have consequences for global mental health and consider the implications for future research and policy.
Key words : Climate, mental disorder, mental health, global warming.
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The impact of Miocene atmospheric carbon dioxide fluctuations on climate and the evolution of terrestrial ecosystems
The Miocene is characterized by a series of key climatic events that led to the founding of the late Cenozoic icehouse mode and the dawn of modern biota. The processes that caused these developments, and particularly the role of atmospheric CO2 as a forcing factor, are poorly understood. Here we present a CO2 record based on stomatal frequency data from multiple tree species. Our data show striking CO2 fluctuations of 600–300 parts per million by volume (ppmv). Periods of low CO2 are contemporaneous with major glaciations, whereas elevated CO2 of 500 ppmv coincides with the climatic optimum in the Miocene. Our data point to a long-term coupling between atmospheric CO2 and climate. Major changes in Miocene terrestrial ecosystems, such as the expansion of grasslands and radiations among terrestrial herbivores such as horses, can be linked to these marked fluctuations in CO2.
atmospheric CO2 fossil plants paleoclimates stomata C4 plants
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The Importance of Land-Use Legacies to Ecology and Conservation
Recognition of the importance of land-use history and its legacies in most ecological systems has been a major factor driving the recent focus on human activity as a legitimate and essential subject of environmental science. Ecologists, conservationists, and natural resource policymakers now recognize that the legacies of land-use activities continue to influence ecosystem structure and function for decades or centuries—or even longer— after those activities have ceased. Consequently, recognition of these historical legacies adds explanatory power to our understanding of modern conditions at scales from organisms to the globe and reduces missteps in anticipating or managing for future conditions. As a result, environmental history emerges as an integral part of ecological science and conservation planning. By considering diverse ecological phenomena, ranging from biodiversity and biogeochemical cycles to ecosystem resilience to anthropogenic stress, and by examining terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in temperate to tropical biomes, this article demonstrates the ubiquity and importance of land-use legacies to environmental science and management.
Keywords: land use, disturbance, conservation, ecosystem process, natural resource management
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Climate Science Documents
The increasing intensity of the strongest tropical cyclones
Atlantic tropical cyclones are getting stronger on average, with a 30-year trend that has been related to an increase in ocean temperatures over the Atlantic Ocean and elsewhere1–4. Over the rest of the tropics, however, possible trends in tropical cyclone intensity are less obvious, owing to the unreliability and incompleteness of the observational record and to a restricted focus, in previous trend analyses, on changes in average intensity. To quantify and determine the significance of these trends, we use quantile regression. Quantile regression as employed here is a method to estimate the change (trend) in lifetime-maximum wind speed quantile as a function of year. A quantile is a point taken from ntensities that cyclones achieve during their lifetimes), estimated from homogeneous data derived from an archive of satellite records. We find significant upward trends for wind speed quantiles above the 70th percentile, with trends as high as 0.36 0.09 m s21 yr21 (s.e.) for the strongest cyclones. We note separate upward trends in the estimated lifetime-maximum wind speeds of the very strongest tropical cyclones (99th percentile) over each ocean basin, with the largest increase at this quantile occurring over the North Atlantic, although not all basins show statistically significant increases. Our results are qualitatively consistent with the hypothesis that as the seas warm, the ocean has more energy to convert to tropical cyclone wind.
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The Influence of Climate, Soils, Weather, and Land Use on Primary Production and Biomass Seasonality in the US Great Plains
Identifying the conditions and mechanisms that control ecosystem processes, such as net primary production, is a central goal of ecosystem ecology. Ideas have ranged from single limiting-resource theories to colimitation by nutrients and climate, to simulation models with edaphic, climatic, and competitive controls. Although some investigators have begun to consider the influence of land-use practices, especially cropping, few studies have quantified the impact of cropping at large scales relative to other known controls over ecosystem processes. We used a 9-year record of produc- tivity, biomass seasonality, climate, weather, soil conditions, and cropping in the US Great Plains to quantify the controls over spatial and temporal patterns of net primary production and to esti- mate sensitivity to specific driving variables. We considered climate, soil conditions, and long-term average cropping as controls over spatial patterns, while weather and interannual cropping varia- tions were used as controls over temporal vari- ability. We found that variation in primary production is primarily spatial, whereas variation in seasonality is more evenly split between spatial and temporal components. Our statistical (multi- ple linear regression) models explained more of the variation in the amount of primary produc- tion than in its seasonality, and more of the spatial than the temporal patterns. Our results indicate that although climate is the most important variable for explaining spatial patterns, cropping explains a substantial amount of the residual variability. Soil texture and depth con- tributed very little to our models of spatial vari- ability. Weather and cropping deviation both made modest contributions to the models of temporal variability. These results suggest that the controls over seasonality and temporal variation are not well understood. Our sensitivity analysis indicates that production is more sensitive to climate than to weather and that it is very sen- sitive to cropping intensity. In addition to iden- tifying potential gaps in out knowledge, these results provide insight into the probable long- and short-term ecosystem response to changes in climate, weather, and cropping.
Key words: primary production; carbon; land use; agriculture; climate; weather; soil; seasonality; cropping; grassland; US Great Plains.
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The influence of conversion of forest types on carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services in the South Central United States
This paper develops a forestland management model for the three states in the South Central United States (Arkansas,
Louisiana, and Mississippi). Forest type and land-use shares are estimated to be a function of economic and physical variables.
The results suggest that while historically pine plantations in this region have been established largely on old agricultural land,
in the future pine plantations are likely to occur on converted hardwood-forest lands. This shift in the supply of land for
plantations could have large effects on above-ground carbon storage and other ecosystem services. Subsidies of approximately
$12–27 per ha per year would maintain the area of hardwood forests and reduce carbon emissions from the above-ground and
product pool carbon stocks over the next 30 years. Across the several scenarios considered, results suggest that maintaining
hardwoods could be an efficient carbon sequestration alternative.
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From the text: In the face of uncertainty, diversity provides insurance for risk-averse economic agents. For example, investors in financial markets diversify their asset portfolio in order to hedge their risk; firms diversify their activities, products or services when facing an uncertain market environment; farmers traditionally grow a variety of crops in order to decrease the adverse impact of uncertain environmental and market conditions. In this paper, I argue that biological diversity plays a similar role: it can be interpreted as an insurance against the uncertain provision of ecosystem services, such as biomass production, control of water run-off, pollination, control of pests and diseases, nitrogen fixation, soil regeneration, etc. Such ecosystem services are generated by ecosystems and are used by utility- maximizing and risk-averse economic agents (Daily [1997], Millennium Ecosystem Assessment [2005]).
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The LANDFIRE Program
The LF Program provides 20+ national geo-spatial layers (e.g. vegetation, fuel, disturbance, etc.), databases, and ecological models that are available to the public for the US and insular areas.
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The Last Dragons - Protecting Appalachia's Hellbenders
An intimate glimpse at North America's Eastern Hellbender, an ancient salamander that lives as much in myth as in reality.... and in many waters, myths are all that remain of these sentinel stream-dwellers. Video by Freshwaters Illustrated.
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