Rivers - More Than Skin Deep
This is a collection of some clips from the National Park Service of some of some of the fish species observed and filmed while snorkeling in several rivers in Southern Appalachia. The diversity that can be found below the surface of these rivers and others throughout North America is unreal. A fish species list is included at the end. Get below the surface and see what you're missing! Video by BlueBlood.
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Rivers and Streams
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Rivers and Streams
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Rivers and Streams Videos and Webinars
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Road network density correlated with increased lightning fire incidence in the Canadian western boreal forest
This paper quantifies the influence of anthropogenic linear disturbances on fire ignition frequency in the boreal forests of western Canada. Specifically, we tested if linear features increase the frequency of lightning fires, and whether this relationship is affected by spatial resolution. We considered fires that ignited between 1995 and 2002 within a ∼67 000 km2 region of boreal mixed-wood forest in north-eastern Alberta where linear features are highly abundant and spatially heterogeneous. We constructed Poisson, Negative Binomial and Zero-Inflated Poisson models at two spatial resolutions (∼10 000 and ∼2400 ha), including covariates for linear feature densities, forest composition, weather–lightning indices and geography. We found a positive association between lightning fire frequency and road density; this association was consistent at both spatial resolutions. We suggest this occurs owing to increased availability of flammable fine fuels near roads. The effect was attributable neither to increased detectability of fires proximal to roads by human observers, nor to increased lightning strikes due to metallic infrastructure alongside roads or the topographic characteristics of road location. Our results suggest that, in the face of projected road developments in the region, the potential exists for important changes to the regional fire regime. Further research should elucidate the precise mechanisms in order to develop methods for mitigation.
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Roberts Barnhart 1999.pdf
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Robinson, Mike
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Robinson, Scott
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Roble 1997.pdf
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Robust spatially aggregated projections of climate extremes
Many climatic extremes are changing1–5, and decision-makers express a strong need for reliable information on further changes over the coming decades as a basis for adaptation strategies. Here, we demonstrate that for extremes stakeholders will have to deal with large irreducible uncertainties on local to regional scales as a result of internal variability, even if climate models improve rapidly. A multimember initial condition ensemble carried out with an Earth system model shows that trends towards more intense hot and less intense cold extremes may be masked or even reversed locally for the coming three to five decades even if greenhouse gas emissions rapidly increase. Likewise, despite a long-term trend towards more intense precipitation and longer dry spells, multidecadal trends of op- posite sign cannot be excluded over many land points. However, extremes may dramatically change at a rate much larger than anticipated from the long-term signal. Despite these large irreducible uncertainties on the local scale, projections are remarkably consistent from an aggregated spatial probability perspective. Models agree that within only three decades about half of the land fraction will see significantly more intense hot extremes. We show that even in the short term the land fraction experiencing more intense precipitation events is larger than expected from internal variability. The proposed perspective yields valuable information for decision-makers and stakeholders at the international level.
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