WLFW Outcomes: NRCS-Funded Research and Special Projects
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Research Management Questions
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Overview: Science Investments
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Resilient Economic Agricultural Practices
REAP (Resilient Economic Agricultural Practices), formerly known as the Renewable Energy Assessment Project, was initially organized to quantitatively assess the impacts of crop residue (e.g., corn stover) on soil properties. The project's current vision is to revitalize soil health and resiliency, thereby enabling soil resources to meet expanding societal demands while safe-guarding planetary health. Goals include 1) Identifying physical, chemical, or biological parameters and index tools that quantify management effects on carbon sequestration and soil health; 2) Conducting coordinated, quantitative multi-location comparisons of business as usual vs. improved management practices designed to enhance nutrient use efficiency and soil health; 3) Identification of critical indicators and index tools to quantify site-specific soil health and water quality effects; 4) Developing, expanding, and coordinating among ARS teams providing data and databases needed to sustainably supply cellulosic-based bioenergy feedstock and other national natural resource and agricultural challenges.
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General Resources Holdings
Resource diversity and landscape-level homogeneity drive native bee foraging
Given widespread declines in pollinator communities and increas- ing global reliance on pollinator-dependent crops, there is an acute need to develop a mechanistic understanding of native pollinator population and foraging biology. Using a population genetics approach, we determine the impact of habitat and floral resource distributions on nesting and foraging patterns of a critical native pollinator, Bombus vosnesenskii. Our findings demonstrate that native bee foraging is far more plastic and extensive than previ- ously believed and does not follow a simple optimal foraging strat- egy. Rather, bumble bees forage further in pursuit of species-rich floral patches and in landscapes where patch-to-patch variation in floral resources is less, regardless of habitat composition. Thus, our results reveal extreme foraging plasticity and demonstrate that floral diversity, not density, drives bee foraging distance. Further- more, we find a negative impact of paved habitat and a positive impact of natural woodland on bumble bee nesting densities. Over- all, this study reveals that natural and human-altered landscapes can be managed for increased native bee nesting and extended foraging, dually enhancing biodiversity and the spatial extent of pollination services.
dispersal | ecosystem services | resource dynamics | spatial ecology | urban
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Climate Science Documents
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