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File PDF document Nylander 1914.pdf
Located in Resources / TRB Library / NIC-PEK
File PDF document Nylander 1930.pdf
Located in Resources / TRB Library / NIC-PEK
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Oak Woodlands & Forest Fire Consortium Newsletter
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Oak Woodlands & Forest Fire Consortium Newsletter
This newsletter from the Oak Woodlands & Forest Fire Consortium provides fire science information to resource managers, landowners, and the public about the use, application, and effects of fire.
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Oak Woodlands & Forest Fire Consortium Newsletter October, 2019
In this issue: Shortleaf Pine Conference; Research Brief; Heads Up!; Hot Spots; Spotlight; Upcoming Events.
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Organization Oak Woodlands & Forests Fire Consortium
The Oak Woodlands & Forests Fire Consortium is an exchange for fire science information. Funded by the Joint Fire Science Program, our goal is to increase the availability and consideration of credible fire science information to those making land management decisions.
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File PDF document Observational evidence for soil-moisture impact on hot extremes in southeastern Europe
Climate change is expected to affect not only the means of climatic variables, but also their variabilities1,2 and extremes such as heat waves2–6. In particular, modelling studies have postulated a possible impact of soil-moisture deficit and drought on hot extremes7–11. Such effects could be responsible for impending changes in the occurrence of heat waves in Europe7. Here we analyse observational indices based on measurements at 275 meteorological stations in central and southeastern Europe, and on publicly available gridded observations12. We find a relationship between soil-moisture deficit, as expressed by the standardized precipitation index13, and summer hot extremes in southeastern Europe. This relationship is stronger for the high end of the distribution of temperature extremes. We compare our results with simulations of current climate models and find that the models correctly represent the soil-moisture impacts on temperature extremes in southeastern Europe, but overestimate them in central Europe. Given the memory associated with soil moisture storage, our findings may help with climate-change- adaptation measures, such as early-warning and prediction tools for extreme heat waves.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Observed and predicted effects of climate change on species abundance in protected areas
The dynamic nature and diversity of species’ responses to climate change poses significant difficulties for developing robust, long-term conservation strategies. One key question is whether existing protected area networks will remain effective in a changing climate. To test this, we developed statistical models that link climate to the abundance of internationally important bird populations in northwestern Europe. Spatial climate–abundance models were able to predict 56% of the variation in recent 30-year population trends. Using these models, future climate change resulting in 4.0 ◦C global warming was projected to cause declines of at least 25% for more than half of the internationally important populations considered. Nonetheless, most EU Special Protection Areas in the UK were projected to retain species in sufficient abundances to maintain their legal status, and generally sites that are important now were projected to be important in the future. The biological and legal resilience of this network of protected areas is derived from the capacity for turnover in the important species at each site as species’ distributions and abundances alter in response to climate. Current protected areas are therefore predicted to remain important for future conservation in a changing climate.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Observed increase in local cooling effect of deforestation at higher latitudes
Deforestation in mid- to high latitudes is hypothesized to have the potential to cool the Earth’s surface by altering biophysical processes1–3. In climate models of continental-scale land clearing, the cooling is triggered by increases in surface albedo and is reinforced by a land albedo–sea ice feedback 4,5. This feedback is crucial in the model predictions; without it other biophysical processes may overwhelm the albedo effect to generate warming instead5. Ongoing land-use activities, such as land management for climate mitigation, are occurring at local scales (hectares) presumably too small to generate the feedback, and it is not known whether the intrinsic biophysical mechanism on its own can change the surface temperature in a consistent manner6,7. Nor has the effect of deforestation on climate been demonstrated over large areas from direct observations. Here we show that surface air temper- ature is lower in open land than in nearby forested land. The effect is 0.85 6 0.44 K (mean 6 one standard deviation) northwards of 456N and 0.2160.53K southwards. Below 356N there is weak evidence that deforestation leads to warming. Results are based on comparisons of temperature at forested eddy covariance towers in the USA and Canada and, as a proxy for small areas of cleared land, nearby surface weather stations. Night-time temperature changes unrelated to changes in surface albedo are an important contributor to the overall cooling effect. The observed latitudinal dependence is consistent with theoretical expectation of changes in energy loss from convection and radiation across latitudes in both the daytime and night-time phase of the diurnal cycle, the latter of which remains uncertain in climate models8.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents