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File PDF document Aeolian process effects on vegetation communities in an arid grassland ecosystem
Many arid grassland communities are changing from grass dominance to shrub dominance, but the mechanisms involved in this conversion process are not completely understood. Aeolian processes likely contribute to this conversion from grassland to shrubland. The purpose of this research is to provide information regarding how vegetation changes occur in an arid grassland as a result of aeolian sediment transport. The experimental design included three treatment blocks, each with a 25 × 50 m area where all grasses, semi-shrubs, and perennial forbs were hand removed, a 25 × 50 m control area with no manipulation of vegetation cover, and two 10 × 25 m plots immediately downwind of the grass-removal and control areas in the prevailing wind direction, 19◦ north of east, for measuring vegetation cover. Aeolian sediment flux, soil nutrients, and soil seed bank were monitored on each treatment area and downwind plot. Grass and shrub cover were measured on each grass-removal, control, and downwind plot along continuous line transects as well as on 5 × 10 m subplots within each downwind area over four years following grass removal. On grass-removal areas, sediment flux increased significantly, soil nutrients and seed bank were depleted, and Prosopis glandulosa shrub cover increased compared to controls. Additionally, differential changes for grass and shrub cover were observed for plots downwind of vegetation-removal and control areas. Grass cover on plots downwind of vegetation-removal areas decreased over time (2004–2007) despite above average rainfall throughout the period of observation, while grass cover increased downwind of control areas; P. glandulosa cover increased on plots downwind of vegetation-removal areas, while decreasing on plots downwind of control areas. The relationships between vegetation changes and aeolian sediment flux were significant and were best described by a logarithmic function, with decreases in grass cover and increases in shrub cover occurring with small increases in aeolian sediment flux
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Aerosols heat up
Solid particles suspended in the atmosphere have long played second fiddle to greenhouse gases as agents of climate change. A study of atmospheric heating over the Indian Ocean could provoke a rethink.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Afforestation Effects on Soil Carbon Storage in the United States: A Synthesis
Afforestation (tree establishment on nonforested land) is a management option for increasing terrestrial C sequestration and mitigating rising atmo- spheric carbon dioxide because, compared to nonforested land uses, afforestation increases C storage in aboveground pools. However, because terrestrial ecosystems typically store most of their C in soils, afforestation impacts on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage are critical components of eco- system C budgets. We applied synthesis methods to identify the magnitude and drivers of afforestation impacts on SOC, and the temporal and verti- cal distributions of SOC change during afforestation in the United States. Meta-analysis of 39 papers from 1957 to 2010 indicated that previous land use drives afforestation impacts on SOC in mineral soils (overall average = +21%), but mined and other industrial lands (+173%) and wildlands (+31%) were the only groups that specifically showed categorically significant increases. Temporal patterns of SOC increase were statistically significant on former industrial and agricultural lands (assessed by continuous meta- analysis), and suggested that meaningful SOC increases require ≥15 and 30 yr of afforestation, respectively. Meta-analysis of 13C data demonstrated the greatest SOC changes occur at the surface soil of the profile, although par- tial replacement of C stocks derived from previous land uses was frequently detectable below 1 m. A geospatial analysis of 409 profiles from the National Soil Carbon Network database supported 13C meta-analysis results, indicating that transition from cultivation to forest increased A horizon SOC by 32%. In sum, our findings demonstrate that afforestation has significant, positive effects on SOC sequestration in the United States, although these effects require decades to manifest and primarily occur in the uppermost (and per- haps most vulnerable) portion of the mineral soil profile. Abbreviations: BD, bulk density; CI, confidence interval; MAP, mean annual precipitation; MAT, mean annual temperature; SOC, soil organic carbon.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
AFS Newsletter December 2023
Hutton Applications Open, WOTUS Call to Action, Angling for Blue Catfish with Sonar
Located in News & Announcements / WLFW Newsletters / American Fisheries Society Newsletter
AFS Newsletter February 2023
AFS Newsletter: Latin America Congress Abstract Deadline Extended, Award Nominations Open, Rockfish Citizen Science.
Located in News & Announcements / WLFW News Inbox
AFS Newsletter January 2023
Snake River Dam Statement, Upcoming Conference Deadlines, Striped Bass Origins.
Located in News & Announcements / WLFW Newsletters / American Fisheries Society Newsletter
AFS Newsletter Mar 2024
Officer Election, Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout Recovery, Statistics Webinar
Located in News & Announcements / WLFW Newsletters / American Fisheries Society Newsletter
Ag a perfect place to 'do science' (Editorial)
Using agriculture as a venue for science aligns perfectly with the “do science” mentality. The hands-on action-oriented learning in real-life conditions tricks young students into learning by stimulating their senses and curiosity. It exposes them to so many scientific realms that they often learn they like something they never knew about.
Located in News & Events
File Agenda: Designing for Aquatic Organism Passage at Road-Stream Crossings, Virgina (4 - 8 March 2024)
Course Objectives-Provide engineers, biologists, hydrologists, and other engaged disciplines the necessary skills to design road-stream crossing structures that will accommodate aquatic organism passage, provide for more natural channel function, and maximize the long-term stability of the structure. The primary design approach is stream simulation.
Located in Resources / Upload New Resources
File PDF document AGU: Human-induced climate change requires urgent action.
1st paragraph: concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuel burning dominates this increase. Human-caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8°C (1.5°F) over the past 140 years.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents