Impacts of climate warming on terrestrial ectotherms across latitude
he impact of anthropogenic climate change on terrestrial organ- isms is often predicted to increase with latitude, in parallel with the rate of warming. Yet the biological impact of rising temperatures also depends on the physiological sensitivity of organisms to temperature change. We integrate empirical fitness curves describ- ing the thermal tolerance of terrestrial insects from around the world with the projected geographic distribution of climate change for the next century to estimate the direct impact of warming on insect fitness across latitude. The results show that warming in the tropics, although relatively small in magnitude, is likely to have the most deleterious consequences because tropical insects are rela- tively sensitive to temperature change and are currently living very close to their optimal temperature. In contrast, species at higher latitudes have broader thermal tolerance and are living in climates that are currently cooler than their physiological optima, so that warming may even enhance their fitness. Available thermal toler- ance data for several vertebrate taxa exhibit similar patterns, suggesting that these results are general for terrestrial ectotherms. Our analyses imply that, in the absence of ameliorating factors such as migration and adaptation, the greatest extinction risks from global warming may be in the tropics, where biological diversity is also greatest.
biodiversity fitness global warming physiology tropical
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Impacts of Climatic Change and Fishing on Pacific Salmon Abundance Over the Past 300 Years
The effects of climate variability on Pacific salmon abundance are uncertain because historical records are short and are complicated by commercial har- vesting and habitat alteration. We use lake sediment records of 15N and biological indicators to reconstruct sockeye salmon abundance in the Bristol Bay and Kodiak Island regions of Alaska over the past 300 years. Marked shifts in populations occurred over decades during this period, and some pronounced changes appear to be related to climatic change. Variations in salmon returns due to climate or harvesting can have strong impacts on sockeye nursery lake productivity in systems where adult salmon carcasses are important nutrient sources.
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Impacts of land use land cover on temperature trends over the continental United States
We investigate the sensitivity of surface temperature trends to land use land cover change (LULC) over the conterminous United States (CONUS) using the observation minus reanalysis (OMR) approach. We estimated the OMR trends for the 1979–2003 period from the US Historical Climate Network (USHCN), and the NCEP-NCAR North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR). We used a new mean square differences (MSDs)-based assessment for the comparisons between temperature anomalies from observations and interpolated reanalysis data. Trends of monthly mean temperature anomalies show a strong agreement, especially between adjusted USHCN and NARR (r = 0.9 on average) and demonstrate that NARR captures the climate variability at different time scales. OMR trend results suggest that, unlike findings from studies based on the global reanalysis (NCEP/NCAR reanalysis), NARR often has a larger warming trend than adjusted observations (on average, 0.28 and 0.27°C/decade respectively).
OMR trends were found to be sensitive to land cover types. We analysed decadal OMR trends as a function of land types using the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and new National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 1992–2001 Retrofit Land Cover Change. The magnitude of OMR trends obtained from the NLDC is larger than the one derived from the ‘static’ AVHRR. Moreover, land use conversion often results in more warming than cooling.
Overall, our results confirm the robustness of the OMR method for detecting non-climatic changes at the station level, evaluating the impacts of adjustments performed on raw observations, and most importantly, providing a quantitative estimate of additional warming trends associated with LULC changes at local and regional scales. As most of the warming trends that we identify can be explained on the basis of LULC changes, we suggest that in addition to considering the greenhouse gases–driven radiative forcings, multi-decadal and longer climate models simulations must further include LULC changes. Copyright 2009 Royal Meteorological Society
KEY WORDS land use land cover change; reanalysis; temperature trends; observed minus reanalysis approach; US historical climate network
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Impacts of mountaintop mining on terrestrial ecosystem integrity: identifying landscape thresholds for avian species in the central Appalachians, United States
Reclaimed mine-dominated landscapes (less forest and more grassland/shrubland cover) elicited more negative (57 %) than positive (39 %) species responses. Negative thresholds for each landscape metric generally occurred at lower values than positive thresholds, thus negatively responding species were
detrimentally affected before positively responding species benefitted. Forest interior birds generally
responded negatively to landscape metric thresholds, interior edge species responses were mixed, and early
successional birds responded positively. The forest interior guild declined most at 4 % forest loss, while
the shrubland guild increased greatest after 52 % loss
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Impacts of plant diversity on biomass production increase through time because of species complementarity
We summarize the results of 44 experiments that have manipulated the richness of plants to examine how plant diversity affects the production of biomass. We show that mixtures of species produce an average of 1.7 times more biomass than species monocultures and are more productive than the average monocul- ture in 79% of all experiments. However, in only 12% of all experiments do diverse polycultures achieve greater biomass than their single most productive species. Previously, a positive net effect of diversity that is no greater than the most productive species has been interpreted as evidence for selection effects, which occur when diversity maximizes the chance that highly productive species will be included in and ultimately dominate the biomass of polycultures. Contrary to this, we show that although productive species do indeed contribute to diversity effects, these contributions are equaled or exceeded by species complementar- ity, where biomass is augmented by biological processes that involve multiple species. Importantly, both the net effect of diver- sity and the probability of polycultures being more productive than their most productive species increases through time, because the magnitude of complementarity increases as experiments are run longer. Our results suggest that experiments to date have, if anything, underestimated the impacts of species extinction on the productivity of ecosystems.
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Impacts of reforestation upon sediment load and water outflow in the Lower Yazoo River Watershed, Mississippi
Among the world’s largest coastal and river basins, the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley (LMRAV) is one of the most disturbed by human activities. This study ascertained the impacts of reforestation on water outflow attenuation (i.e., water flow out of the watershed outlet) and sediment load reduction in the Lower Yazoo River Watershed (LYRW) within the LMRAV using the US-EPA’s BASINS-HSPF model. The model was calibrated and validated with available experimental data prior to its application. Two simulation scenarios were then performed: one was chosen to predict the water outflow and sediment load without reforestation and the other was selected to project the potential impacts of reforestation upon water outflow attenuation and sediment load reduction following the conversion of 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the agricultural lands with most lands near or in the batture of the streams. Comparison of the two simulation scenarios (i.e., with and without reforestation) showed that a conversion of agricultural land into forests attenuated water outflow and reduced sediment load. In general, a two-fold increase in forest land area resulted in approximately a two-fold reduction in annual water outflow volume and sediment load mass, which occurred because forests absorb water and reduce surface water runoff and prevent soil erosion. On average, over a 10-year simulation, the specific water outflow attenuation and sediment load reduction were, respectively, 250 m3 /ha/y and 4.02 metric ton/ha/y. Seasonal variations of water outflow attenuation and sediment load reduction occurred with the maximum attenuation/reduction in winter and the minimum attenuation/reduction in summer. Our load duration curve analysis further confirmed that an increase in forest land area reduced the likelihood of a given sediment load out of the watershed outlet. This study suggests that reforestation in or around the batture of streams is a useful practice for water outflow attenuation and sediment load reduction.
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Impacts of the EU biofuel policy on agricultural markets and land use
The European Union's Renewable Energy Directive (RED)1 sets an overall target of 20% of the EU's energy used to come from renewable sources by 2020. As part of this target, at least 10% of total transport fuel consumption is to come from renewable energies (RE). In parallel, the Fuel Quality Directive (FQD)2 requires fuel suppliers to reduce the carbon intensity of road fuels they supply by 6% in 2020. The EU Member States were required to report their expectations and plans on how to meet these targets in National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAP) by 30 June 2010, including the technology mix and the trajectory to reach them.
However, in the end the extent to which the 2020 mandate will be met is uncertain. During the 2012 Workshop on 'Commodity Market Development in Europe – Outlook'3, held in Brussels, many participants highlighted the difficulty to reach such a level of biofuel consumption. In addition, according to the 2012 ECOFYS report on renewable energy progress and biofuels' sustainability, in 2012 the objectives for transport were already not being met. The European car industry is indeed not ready to use blends with high shares of biodiesel and ethanol. Moreover the contribution of second-generation biofuels towards meeting the target is expected to remain small.
Furthermore the repeated droughts in recent years have put pressure on food prices and put forward the world food security debate. The use of food crops to produce biofuels instead of feeding the world has been criticised. Sustainability of biodiesel is especially questioned. In order to reduce the indirect land use change (ILUC) which may be caused by higher demand for food and feed crops for biofuel, on 17 October 2012 the European Commission (EC) published a proposal to amend the RED (COM(2012)595). It proposed to cap the amount of first-generation biofuels that can count towards the 10% renewable energy target at 5%4. In addition, the use of advanced biofuels, with no or low ILUC emissions, would be promoted by weighting their contribution towards fulfilling the target more favourably. The estimated ILUC emissions are also included in the greenhouse gas balance of biofuels for the purpose of compliance with the reporting obligations under the RED and FQD.
Therefore the development of the biofuel market is highly uncertain, especially in the European Union (EU). This report aims to analyse different scenarios that could occur in the EU in the years to come.
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Impacts Research Seen As Next Climate Frontier
Scientists hope the next U.S. president will devote more of the billion-dollar
climate change research program to impacts
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Implications of Limiting CO2 Concentrations for Land Use and Energy
Limiting atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations to low levels requires strategies to manage anthropogenic carbon emissions from terrestrial systems as well as fossil fuel and industrial sources. We explore the implications of fully integrating terrestrial systems and the energy system into a comprehensive mitigation regime that limits atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We find that this comprehensive approach lowers the cost of meeting environmental goals but also carries with it profound implications for agriculture: Unmanaged ecosystems and forests expand, and food crop and livestock prices rise. Finally, we find that future improvement in food crop productivity directly affects land-use change emissions, making the technology for growing crops potentially important for limiting atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
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Importance of matrix habitats in maintaining biological diversity
Matrix management matters because formal reserve systems will never cover more than a small fraction of the globe.
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