The Barn Group Land Trust
TBG preserves, protects, and maintains streams, wetlands, and natural resources to increase stewardship and conservation for present and future generations.
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The Clinch Coalition
We are a community based environmental organization that believes in the importance of appreciating, understanding, and protecting our environment. We feel that doing so is essential to improving our quality of life and well-being. The Clinch Coalition maintains a Joint Plan of Work with Virginia Organizing.
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The Jones Center at Ichauway
Spanning nearly 30,000 acres of woods, water, and wildlife, The Jones Center at Ichauway provides a unique combination of place, people, and processes to better understand, demonstrate, and promote effective management of natural resources through research, conservation, and education.
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The Literature Gateway
A Systematic Map of Bird-Vegetation Relationships in Eastern and Boreal Forests
the Losen, Willy
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The Mid-Atlantic Center for Herpetology and Conservation
MACHAC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation and study of amphibians and reptiles through advocacy, education, and execution of research by professional herpetologists and ecologists in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern United States. Major partners and funding sources for programs include the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Natural Resources Conservation Service (US Department of Agriculture), United States Fish & Wildlife Service, and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Major MACHAC projects also include the study and recovery of state and federally-listed amphibians and reptiles, notably important initiatives centered on the Bog Turtle and Eastern Massasauga.
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The Nature Conservancy, Sandhills Office
Longleaf pine forests once stretched 90 million acres from Virginia to Texas. Harvested for lumber, turpentine, tar and pitch, this vast forest began to decline rapidly in the 19th century, and today a mere 3% of the original range remains. You can see what these ancient woodlands once looked like by visiting Calloway Forest, a longleaf pine forest in the Sandhills. Many wildlife species depend on the openness of longleaf pine forest to forage and raise young.
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The Ohio River Basin FHP and Appalachian LCC
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Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership
The Pew Charitable Trusts
We use data to make a difference – addressing the challenges of a changing world by illuminating issues, creating common ground, and advancing ambitious strategies that lead to tangible progress.
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The Rattlesnake Conservancy
The Rattlesnake Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is dedicated to education, research, and partnership. Our programs are dedicated to making meaningful, long lasting impacts for rattlesnakes and education programs that change the narrative towards conservation.
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