Rebel Eloy Emanis Pine Savanna and Bird Sanctuary
A private, therapeutic, 50-acre, fledgling, home-grown pine savanna in Deep East Texas.
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LP Members
Organizations Search
Reed, Olivia
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Reed, Tabitha
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Reeder, Edward
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Region-5 LCCs Coordination
A Work Group space to support and foster closer coordination and collaboration across the Northeast Region Science Application Units (AppLCC, NALCC, and Chesapeake Bay Program).
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LP Members
Regional LCD Dialogue Work Groups
A role of the Appalachian LCC community -- representing scientists and natural and cultural resource managers from federal and state agencies, non-profit organizations, and tribal government representatives -- is to help coordinate and plan conservation actions at a landscape level. Based on guidance from this conservation community, the LCC staff and partners are identifying and concentrating their efforts in working with interested partners in "focal areas."
These initial areas of collaborative planning and coordinated action represent conservation zones -- identified through our EDIT Needed: Landscape Conservation Design modeling effort -- that offer conservation opportunities for long-term protection of immense and unique biodiversity by maintaining connectivity among natural lands and functioning ecosystems. Such strategic planning and collaboration will help address environmental threats that are beyond the ability of any one organization to tackle and lead to the protection of valued natural and cultural resources and continued delivery of environmental benefits to surrounding human communities across the Appalachians and its western river basin.
Regional and National Maps
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Apps, Maps, & Data
Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets
Regional Fire Mapping
Regional fire maps generally offer improved resolution over national products and can provide a variety of information such as fire history, fire type, topography, fuels/habitat condition, and more. In the Southern region, the "SE FireMap" is an exciting new project under development - intended to serve as a cohesive system to track both prescribed fire and wildfire activity on public and private lands.
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Fire Mapping
Reiff, David
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Expertise Search
Reiner, Alicia
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